- Prior to transporting soil samples, refer to ASTM D4220, Best Practices for Disturbed Samples (pdf 305k), and Best Practices for Undisturbed Samples (pdf 302k) for guidance.
- All samples should be properly identified with permanent marker, directly on the bag, tube, or side of the bucket. Tags or bucket lids may become detached during shipping and handling.
- Place the test request forms or other paperwork in a plastic bag before placing it in direct contact with soil. The paper absorbs the moisture and the test request becomes unreadable.
- If an extensive testing program is anticipated, collect as much sample as possible. The use of zip lock bags is great for additional materials.
- If contaminated soils are encountered, the laboratory must be notified prior to the arrival of the samples. We do not test radioactive materials.
- The login information on the data is only as good as the information we receive. The following is a general guideline regarding the sample information required.
- Project Name
- Project Number
- Sampling Date
- Boring or Test Pit Number
- Sample Number
- Depth or Elevation